
Andromeda is a special project I started to better understand my own mental and emotional states. It’s a simple app that turns feelings into colourful 3D spheres. These spheres appear based on the location where you felt them. The size of each sphere indicates how recent the emotion was, and different colours represent different emotions, creating a visual diary of feelings over time. Key Features: • 3D Emotion Map: Emotions are shown as spheres in a 3D space, making it easy and fun to see how your feelings change. • Tracking Location and Time: The app records where and when you felt each emotion, adding more detail to your emotional diary. • Built with Cool Tech: Utilizes JavaScript and Three.js for the 3D graphics, with Node.js and MongoDB running everything on the server. This app is still being developed, and I’d love to make it better with your help. Do you think there are other ways to show emotional data that could help you too? Would you find an app like this useful for understanding your own emotions? I’m also looking for other programmers who might want to help me get this app onto the web. If you’re interested in mixing technology with understanding emotions, let’s team up! Check out the deployed beta: Andromeda Beta. Github repository.